Floor- and substrateelements
Floor elements - CONCEPT-ROOM-BO
- With gradient (30/45 mm) and factory-fitted seal
- For point or linear drainage
- Optional mounting kits in different variants, tailored to the dimensions
Substrate elements - CONCEPT-ROOM-UBO
Substrate elements, 55 mm thick.
CONCEPT-BO Floor element
CONCEPT-UBO Substrate element
Point drainage – TUB
- Integrated and sealed floor drain support frame
- For barrier-free construction
- Secure click system for fastening the drain connection fitting
- Second drainage level
Floor drain systems and accessories for point drainage see TUB
Linear drainage – TUB-LINE
- Integrated and sealed floor channel drain
- Reversible channel cover rail offers two design options
- Clean tiling with tiling aid
- Height-adjustable for optimum adaptation to covering thickness
- For barrier-free construction
- Secure click system for fastening the drain connection fitting
- Second drainage level
Floor drain systems and accessories for linear drainage see
Point drainage – TUB
Linear drainage – TUB-LINE